Cervical cancer library

Cervical cancer screening and treatment in low-resource settings: Practical Experience from PATH

Strategic planning and Situation AssessmentFrom 2006 to 2011, PATH conducted demonstration projects in four low- and middle-income countries—India, Peru, Uganda, and Vietnam—to provide evidence for decision-making about public-sector introduction of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines. The Cervical Cancer Prevention: Practical Experience Series summarizes lessons learned from these projects that can help guide future HPV vaccination program planning, especially in low-resource settings around the globe. Additional units in this series will be available soon.

This unit, Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment examines the second component of a successful cervical cancer prevention program—screening and treatment of adult women for precancerous lesions.

Resource list (alphabetical order)

All of these resources are also referenced in Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment.

Cervical Cancer Prevention Training Program: 5-day clinical trial agenda (2010)

Cervical Cancer Screening Brochure (2009)
Ministry of Health, Uganda

Commonly Asked Questions and Responses: Cervical Cancer Screening Services (2010)

Community Outreach Flipchart (2010)
PATH; Ministry of Health, Uganda

Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Control: A guide to essential practice (2006)
World Health Organization

Conducting Formative Research for HPV Vaccination Program Planning (2012)

Evidence-Based, Alternative Cervical Cancer Screening Approaches in Low-Resource Settings (2009)
International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health

Facilitator Training Booklet (2009)
Vietnam Ministry of Health

Flipchart for Secondary Prevention of Cervical Cancer (2011)

Health Facility Assessment Tool (2009)

Health Facility Counseling Flipchart (2009)
PATH; Ministry of Health, Uganda

Leaflet on Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid
National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, National Commission for Health Education and Communication, PATH

Outlook. Progress in preventing cervical cancer: Updated evidence on vaccination and screening (2010)

Planning and Implementing Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Programs: A Manual for Managers (2004)
Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention (ACCP)

Planning and Implementing Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Programs: A Manual for Managers (2004)

Recent Evidence on Cervical Cancer Screening in Low-Resource Settings (2011)

Referral Form (2010)
Ministry of Health, Uganda; PATH

Report of Follow-Up Visits to Health Facilities Providing VIA and Cryotherapy Services (2010)

Sample Standard Operating Procedures for Cervical Cancer Prevention Counseling

Strategic Plan for Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control in Uganda (2010)
Uganda Ministry of Health

Strategic Planning and Situation Assessment for Cervical Cancer Prevention (2011)

Supportive Supervision Checklist (2010)

Supportive Supervision Training Slides (2010)

Training of Trainers Program and Agenda (2010)

Treatment technologies for precancerous cervical lesions in low-resource settings: review and evaluation (2012)

Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid and Cryotherapy Workshop Agenda (2009)

Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid Screening Client Assessment Form (2010)

Online resources

HPV and Cervical Cancer Curriculum
Union for International Cancer Control

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PATH website

PATH Cervical Cancer Prevention Action Planner

PATH Cervical Cancer Vaccine project

PATH Vaccine Resource Library

RHO Cervical Cancer Library